The release of the 2023 Jobs and Skills Australia Skills Priority List reveals concerning trends in Australia’s labour market that underscore the need for addressing the persistent shortage of skilled workers.

According to the report, 36 per cent of assessed occupations are currently experiencing a shortage, 5 per cent more than last year. 

More than a third of occupations are grappling with this shortage for the second consecutive year, indicating that the skills gap remains a persistent challenge. 

Some top occupations facing shortages include aged carers, motor mechanics, retail managers, truck drivers, electricians, carpenters, chefs and waiters. 

The report indicates a shortage in half of all trades and technician occupations. It predicts that more than nine of 10 new jobs will require post-secondary qualifications. 

Sectors in highest demand over the next decade will be health care and social assistance; professional, scientific and technical services; and education and training.  

Today’s report bolsters the need for an enhanced incentives scheme to improve the business case for employers to engage apprentices, particularly in the face of economic uncertain times. 

This would empower young Australians to embark on their careers and contribute to the nation’s skilled workforce,” ACCI chief executive Andrew McKellar said. 

“The apprenticeship model plays a vital role in skills development and successful transitions from education to employment. To ensure that job seekers possess the skills and training required for the jobs of today and tomorrow, we must get the incentives right. 

“ACCI remains committed to working closely with our industry partners and the government to ensure Australia maintains a strong and dynamic workforce for the future.” 

Ashley Gardiner

Director - Media and Communications

P: 0262708020

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