
ACCI is Australia’s largest and most representative business network and is a sought-after national voice of business in the media.

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Budget treads a narrow path for the short term

The federal government is treading a narrow path to tackle short-term demands, but 2024-25 Federal Budget prompts more questions about taming inflation and the medium-term sustainability of spending. “The projection of a surplus for the current financial year is a positive. However, over the next four years, there appears to be little prospect of substantial […]

14 May 2024

Lukewarm Budget for travel and tourism

This Budget has delivered little for Australian travel and tourism as it continues to recover from the impact of COVID-19 restrictions. “Australian travel and tourism has rebounded well from the pandemic restrictions but there is still work to do,” Australian Chamber – Tourism executive chair John Hart said. “The latest ABS data released on Budget day shows […]

14 May 2024

Vital role for gas in transition to net-zero

Australian businesses will be relieved by the federal government’s recognition that gas has a vital role in the nation’s transition to net-zero. A comprehensive strategy is needed to stabilise the gas market and provide additional certainty for potential investors, whose confidence has been softening in recent years, Australia’s largest and most representative business network said today. “The […]

9 May 2024

Inflation fight draws out longer than previously expected

The fight against inflation is not over, with a slower than expected decline leading to a change in official expectations for future interest rate cuts. Australia’s largest and most representative business network said the surprise rise in inflation during the March quarter of 2024 had seen the Reserve Bank of Australia adjust its expectations. “The […]

7 May 2024

Inflation data sounds warning for overheated wage growth

The latest inflation data released today serves as a warning of potential implications of increasing wage growth. “The latest quarterly figures, as well as monthly data, show that the rate of decline in inflation has slowed,” ACCI chief executive officer Andrew McKellar said. “Wage growth is a major contributor to inflationary pressures. Recent Treasury analysis […]

24 Apr 2024

More full-time employment in tight labour market

Australians worked an additional one million hours in March, yet the number of employed people slipped backwards. “Despite the decrease in employment overall, there was a notable lift in full-time employment, a sign that the labour market is becoming more stable,” ACCI chief executive officer Andrew McKellar said. The Australian Bureau of Statistics noted that […]

18 Apr 2024

Productivity and competitive policy key to future prosperity

Australia needs a sovereign manufacturing capability, so focused government attention on meeting that objective is welcome. However, Australia’s largest and most representative business network says careful consideration of the details is needed. “Recent experience has starkly demonstrated how the narrowing of our industrial base has exposed the Australian economy to high levels of risk,” ACCI […]

11 Apr 2024

Supermarket review must ensure a fair deal right to the farm gate

Australian supermarkets must treat their suppliers fairly and provide consumers with the lowest possible prices, but heavy-handed regulation could have unintended consequences. “The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry acknowledges the interim report of the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct independent review,” ACCI chief executive officer Andrew McKellar said. “It is a considered report […]

8 Apr 2024