
ACCI is Australia’s largest and most representative business network and is a sought-after national voice of business in the media.

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Productivity and competitive policy key to future prosperity

Australia needs a sovereign manufacturing capability, so focused government attention on meeting that objective is welcome. However, Australia’s largest and most representative business network says careful consideration of the details is needed. “Recent experience has starkly demonstrated how the narrowing of our industrial base has exposed the Australian economy to high levels of risk,” ACCI […]

11 Apr 2024

Supermarket review must ensure a fair deal right to the farm gate

Australian supermarkets must treat their suppliers fairly and provide consumers with the lowest possible prices, but heavy-handed regulation could have unintended consequences. “The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry acknowledges the interim report of the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct independent review,” ACCI chief executive officer Andrew McKellar said. “It is a considered report […]

8 Apr 2024

ACCI lodges annual wage review submission

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has lodged its submission to the Fair Work Commission’s annual wage review. ACCI considers an increase of not more than 2 per cent to be fair, reasonable and responsible because: It takes into account economic and business conditions, which are fragile. It takes into account easing inflationary pressures […]

28 Mar 2024

ACCI joins key skills advisory body

The announcement of the inaugural the members of the Ministerial Advisory Board of Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) is a pivotal moment for the agency responsible for monitoring Australia’s workforce needs. “We are pleased that ACCI has been endorsed as one of the four employer representatives on the JSA Ministerial Advisory Board,” ACCI chief executive […]

27 Mar 2024

Some, not all, business concerns addressed in vehicle emissions changes

Australia’s largest and most representative business network has acknowledged the government’s reconsidered approach to the introduction of a New Vehicle Emissions Standard. “The government has listened to some of the concerns raised by the business community about its ambitious approach to vehicle emissions reduction,” ACCI chief executive officer Andrew McKellar said. “Business supports the introduction […]

26 Mar 2024

Response to ACTU’s minimum wage submission

ABC News Breakfast, Tuesday 26 March 2024 E&OE Emma Rebellato: Andrew McKellar joins us from Sydney. Andrew, thanks for joining us this morning. Andrew McKellar: Good morning, Emma. Great to be with you. Rebellato: What’s your submission to the Fair Work Commission? What increase would you be happy with and the business sector? McKellar: What we’ve said is we […]

26 Mar 2024

Weak start to year for manufacturers, ACCI-Westpac survey finds

New orders lodged with Australian manufacturers have fallen to levels last seen during the Global Financial Crisis, excluding the 2020 lockdown period, the latest ACCI-Westpac Industrial Trends survey has found. Westpac senior economist Andrew Hanlan said that manufacturers experienced a particularly weak start to the 2024 year, as conditions deteriorated from an already soft end […]

25 Mar 2024

Jobs surge means labour market remains tight

A surge in employment reported today highlights the need to address Australia’s skill shortage urgently. “Employment bounced back strongly in February, rising by 116,000 people, and hours worked grew by 53 million hours, following declines in December and January,” ACCI chief executive officer Andrew McKellar said. “More than two-thirds of the new jobs created in […]

21 Mar 2024