Sydney Kingsford Smith airport

Australian Chamber – Tourism is reminding Australians of the importance of travel and tourism to our economy today as we mark World Tourism Day.

John Hart, executive chair of the peak body representing Australian businesses engaged with the visitor economy, says in the past Australian tourism has contributed up to 16 per cent of exports.

“Domestic and international tourism in Australia is worth around $170 billion to Australia’s economy,” Mr Hart said.

“Of this, some $45 billion comes from offshore.

“Without this spend, so many restaurants, bars, cafes, hairdressers and shops, especially in the regions would need to close.”

Mr Hart said tourism not only contributes to our balance of trade it also benefits Australians by making many of our goods and services viable.

“Tourists coming to Australia are by design, high-value travellers,” said Mr Hart.

“They have similarly high expectations as Australians do for our goods and services.

“As such, they make it viable for retailers, manufacturers and producers to have products available on the shelves for consumption by all of us.”

Mr Hart also said that at a time when there is pressure on the federal government regarding migration, there should be the opposite with tourism numbers.

“Tourists should be encouraged, particularly the high-value travellers that spend with intensity in the right areas of our economy.

“We are a welcoming people, and I hope we continue to greet our visitors with open arms.

“We need their contribution so that we can continue to live our best lives.

Craig Sullivan

Media Advisor

P: 026708020

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