Gas and supply problems

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) says it’s alarmed by revelations the federal government is negotiating with the Greens over its ‘Nature Positive’ Bill which would see a climate trigger used to stop new mineral projects.

Australia’s best connected and largest business network says a climate trigger would place a major hand brake on new mining and energy projects and injure the Australian economy.

ACCI chief executive officer Andrew McKellar says businesses are already having to clear multiple hurdles of regulation and green tape to get projects approved.

“A climate trigger will duplicate regulations on business that are already making substantial efforts to reduce their emissions,” Mr McKellar said.

“It will create a further barrier to new investment and force more industries to leave our shores.

“There are already numerous pieces of legislation to mitigate the impact of climate change, including the Climate Change Act, National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme and the Safeguard Mechanism Reforms.”

Mr McKellar is urging the two major parties to work together to achieve a sensible outcome.

“To flirt with the Greens as a means of getting legislation through is like playing a game of chicken with our economy.

“I shudder to think what sort of regulation would be placed on the table if the Greens strike a deal over the ‘Nature Positive’ legislation.”

Craig Sullivan

Media Advisor

P: 026708020

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