The announcement that China has agreed to remove its highly restrictive tariffs on Australian barley imports has been welcomed by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

“ACCI welcomes the removal of the tariffs on Australian barley. This is a positive step, and we look forward to the removal of all remaining trade impediments including wine,” ACCI chief executive officer Andrew McKellar said.

“Coming at the end of three years of these tariffs, this outcome will no doubt come as a welcome relief to Australian barley producers. We are hopeful that this decision will reopen opportunities for Australian exporters to sell barley into this market – a market that was worth around $1.2 billion to Australian exporters prior to the tariffs.

“We commend the Australian Government and negotiators on their continued and patient efforts that have brought about this outcome.

“This provides a pathway for the removal of any remaining trade impediments between both countries.”

Ashley Gardiner

Director - Media and Communications

P: 0262708020

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