The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry welcomes the appointment of Professor Barney Glover AO as the new Commissioner of Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA).

“Professor Glover’s appointment as the Commissioner of JSA will help provide a steady hand to guide its mission,” ACCI chief executive officer Andrew McKellar said.

“JSA is essential to helping to identify our present and future skills and labour needs. We know that the best defence against recurring skills shortages is access to comprehensive data that anticipates our skills needs.”

The work of JSA allows for the application of a whole-of-economy and nationwide perspective which guides the strategic direction of the organisation.

Market analysis and forecasting conducted by JSA will play a fundamental role in informing migration strategies, ensuring a proactive response to evolving workforce demands.

“With his immediate background as vice chancellor and president of Western Sydney University, Professor Glover’s understanding of management and business leadership makes him well placed to lead JSA and ensure the agency responsible for monitoring Australia’s workforce needs is well equipped,” Mr McKellar said.

ACCI looks forward to working closely with him and JSA over the coming years to help prevent further skills shortages.

Ashley Gardiner

Director - Media and Communications

P: 0262708020

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