The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) welcomes the federal government’s first tranche of reforms to the Privacy Act.

ACCI, Australia’s most connected and largest business network, also welcomes the decision of the Attorney-General to continue consulting with stakeholders on more far-reaching aspects of the proposed reforms.

ACCI’s chief executive officer, Andrew McKellar said today was a positive development as business navigates the increasing use of artificial intelligence in the economy.

“These proposed measures, such as requiring information to be provided about automated decision-making, are going to be valuable to create trust among individuals and business users,” Mr McKellar said.

“We particularly welcome the measured decision of the government to continue consulting with industry on other aspects of the reforms, especially the proposed removal of the exemptions for small business and employee records.

“These provisions need a considered approach, as they are going to have profound implications for businesses of all sizes across Australia and will be most keenly felt by small businesses.”

In response to the ACCI’s 2024 Small Business Conditions survey, two thirds of small businesses said they were not aware of the forthcoming changes, with just eight per cent considering themselves ready to comply with speculated changes.

Mr McKellar highlighted that small businesses are under a great amount of pressure stemming from high costs of doing business, and an increasingly complex and burdensome regulatory landscape.

“The reforms to the Privacy Act can do a lot of good for businesses, when it comes to building trust in digital technologies, and enabling more seamless cross-border data flows, which is vital for our trade with other countries,” he said.

“But the Act must also be accessible, fit-for-purpose, and be accompanied by clear, user-friendly guidance on how it is to be applied.

“Business stands ready to support the government by communicating the changes to our business network and supporting all businesses in complying with the new rules as seamlessly as possible,” said Mr McKellar.

Craig Sullivan

Media Advisor

P: 026708020

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